International (MNN) — The delta variant fueled another COVID-19 wave in the U.S. and in several other countries around the world. It came at a time in North America when many thought the worst of the pandemic was over.
The delta variant first mutated in India, and spread throughout the country this spring, leaving suffering and death in its wake.
Ed Weaver of Spoken Worldwide says people in many other countries never had an optimistic outlook like the U.S. “That’s because we have more access to resources, maybe better access to health care in general, than many other countries around the world. So we have a little bit of confidence. I think one of the things that was so striking to me was we don’t have enough empathy toward what other people around the world are really experiencing. And you can’t see it unless you travel there.”
A new normal
But as the pandemic continues, it can be exhausting for people. Everyone wants some semblance of normal in their lives. Weaver says we may not get that feeling control back, but we can have something better. “We’ve got to align ourselves with God more now than ever. What’s becoming more evident to me is just this dependency on God to step in, and to allow Him to do the work. Allow Him to work on our hearts.”
Weaver says the global Church is being called to a position of helplessness right now. “This pandemic, in all the uncertainty seems to be bigger than we can handle. But our God is bigger than that. How do we explain that? How do we preach that to ourselves?”
Ask God to give Spoken Worldwide creativity as they work to share the Gospel in places where written words can’t go. Learn more at their website.
The header photo shows teachers using oral methods to share the Gospel. (Photo courtesy of Spoken Worldwide)