International (GAM/MNN) — A decade ago, the Summer Olympic Games were held in Athens. Terrorists attacked an elementary school in Beslan, Russia. India began emerging as the sleeping giant of commerce. The European Union embraced 10 new members.
It seemed like a good time to maximize resources and increase efficiency in the business world. The team at Global Advance, always looking for ways to train indigenous Christians, got on board. Their goal: to increase the expertise of Christian entrepreneurs, business owners, and professionals throughout the developing world and to get it done through Kingdom vision.
Marketplace Missions was born. This year, they celebrate their 10th anniversary. Through their vision, 20,366 Christian business leaders have been equipped and encouraged with practical and Biblical business principles.
The Global Advance Marketplace Missions initiative helps U.S. business leaders invest their skills, knowledge, and experience into the lives of emerging marketplace leaders. Training Christian businessmen and women in developing nations increases economic and spiritual capital throughout the world.
Global Advance Marketplace Missions Conferences provide developing world marketplace leaders with both encouragement and practical business training. Here’s a sample of what a typical Marketplace Missions Conference looks like:
- Day 1 – Wednesday, travel from home to the international location
- Day 2 – Thursday, visit businesses to build relationships, pray, and consult
- Day 3 – Friday, speak at event to teach and encourage
- Day 4 – Saturday, speak at event to teach and encourage
- Day 5 – Sunday, attend church, sight-see, and return home to the U.S.
*Global Advance Marketplace Missions Events may have different forms depending on the location.
To date, Global Advance Marketplace has conducted over 100 events worldwide in 30 nations.
What can you do? You can start by talking about the Global Advance Marketplace Missions opportunity with your friends and organizations.
Pray for the initiatives and the people involved in and impacted through Global Advance Marketplace Missions.
Volunteer to work on the planning and strategizing of Global Advance Marketplace Missions endeavors on groups and committees.
Go to the nations to share your life story and teach in the areas of Entrepreneurship, Marketing, Management, Accounting, Sales, and other areas.