Syria (CAM) — An indigenous
missionary from nearby Lebanon crossed the border to baptize a believer last
week. Instead, he had to bury the believer — shot in the head as a martyr for his recently-found faith in Jesus Christ.
missionaries continue to share Gospel CD's, baptizing new believers, and
delivering food and medical aid to suffering Christians in Syria while violence
rages around them. More help is needed each day according to one of the
ministries in Syria being assisted by Christian Aid Mission based in Charlottesville,
Virginia. A Lebanese team is preparing to deliver more aid as soon as
funds arrive from the USA to buy supplies at the local market.*
"Right now,"
said the missionary leader at his base in Lebanon," there is no food or medicine
left. The economy has come to a standstill, and there is no work." Many
Christians are sick and starving, along with other minorities such as the
Bedouins and Gypsies.
"This has been one of the
longest weeks of my life," the missionary told Christian Aid. "To visit Syria, I
had to sneak in through the mountains and not go by normal roads.
"I went there
to bury a friend who died last week. I was supposed to be baptizing him, but I ended up doing
his funeral. I led him to Christ two years ago. He was a key helper in the
ministry. He was shot in the head. Why? Because he had become a Christian. Now
revenge is taking place."
The slain Christian
had been witnessing to many friends and neighbors and had led a growing house
church that met in his home with 43 other believers. He was actively involved
in delivering aid to some 600 Syrian Christians in his area.
"Lots of people came to the funeral. In the beginning, I did not know how to
start the service. Then I decided to share some letters of encouragement from
the churches. I invited several of the believers to read in front of the
meeting. They were so encouraged to know that they are not alone. By the time we
were done, there were tears of joy instead of sadness. As it says in the Word,
when one member suffers, all suffer."
The Lebanese leader of the mission is preparing now to go back to Syria with
Bibles, CD's, food and medicine. He listed the following needs:
small amount of cash; $150 per family or $12,000 total.
medicines and basic medical supplies.
in Arabic; total $8000.
needed, or $34,000.
he said, "I was harassed by local authorities. "You
know what this tells me? Simply that I
am doing the right thing. I feel every time we move forward, Satan tries to
stop us. That is why I want to continue– especially now when we have more
people coming to Christ and being baptized. I will not stop until I am with
Christians are ministering on both sides of the border with Syria, welcoming
refugees into their homes and church buildings at considerable risk. Lebanese
believers are trying to help with basic needs such as food, housing, and
medicine as funds permit. Rent for a refugee family can run as high as $800 a
*Offerings for the suffering believers of Syria are being collected by phone at 800-977-5650 or by Christian Aid Mission at www.ChristianAid.org. Aid for Syrian relief should be designated for Gift Code 400REF.
I’m very interested in helping new Christians in Syria –