USA (MNN) — You’ve heard us talk about the Deaf Bible Society and the resources they offer to promote Deaf Scripture engagement and advocacy. But Chantel Pagan, Deaf Bible Society’s Advocacy Director, says they also want to motivate believers to advocate for the Deaf, not just in our communities, but also in prayer.
“Every week, our team comes together and we just acknowledge things we’re needing to pray for and just give to God to make way and provision and guide us. So for any person who is willing to come alongside us and pray for the needs of the Deaf community, we do so through text messages. If you would like, you can text PRAY to 444-999, and every week at the beginning of the week starting Mondays you’ll receive updates on things our team is praying for and the community is praying for as well.”
For example? “One of our most recent prayer requests was for Deaf refugees. A few weeks ago, we also sent out a prayer text asking for our community to just be in prayer for a sign language Bible project that was happening in the UK. There are so many more, and they’re just snippets of things that we say, please, join us in prayer in lifting up these needs.”

(Screen capture courtesy of Deaf Bible Society)
And the need for awareness and outreach to the Deaf community is vital. You may be surprised to know that around 98 percent of the Deaf are considered unreached with the Gospel. It’s a largely untapped mission field, and one which Deaf Bible Society is working to engage.
“We focus at Deaf Bible Society on four pillars which are Deaf awareness, education, access, and funding to the mission of God’s Word in every sign language. So if you were to hop on our website, you’d see some different blogs and stories from our community members and you’d see their testimonies and their heart for wanting to see Bible translation completed in their heart language, and you’d also see access of what the Deaf Bible actually looks like.”

(Photo courtesy of Open Doors)
Again, to sign up for weekly prayer request texts from Deaf Bible Society, just text PRAY to 444-999. And then, commit to praying each week for the needs of the Deaf community, that God would move in their midst, and that the global Church would embrace our Deaf brothers and sisters in Christ.
Pagan shares Deaf Bible’s own prayer for the Deaf. “In Ephesians 1:18-19[a], our prayer for the Deaf community just in general is exactly as it’s stated. ‘I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.’ We stand on that here at Deaf Bible Society and we’re encouraged by it, and we really pray that the eyes of your heart and the eyes of the Deaf community would be enlightened so they truly would know the hope of Jesus.”
Count me in.
Please send me ….so I can pray for. Regan. Daily. Weekly