USA (MNN) — Nearly 80 people from various mission organizations gathered to get the training they need to be more effective in global evangelism. But, the training wasn’t your typical evangelism training. The U-S military was involved.
Strategic World Impact’s Kevin Turner says the week provided training, “to do everything from work in war zones to disaster assistance response, to Biblical storying, evangelism, the whole plethora of humanitarian relief services.”
Turner says there’s a reason this type of training is needed. “We are more and more engaging in a world that’s falling apart. And, I think, the body of Christ has an opportunity to turn obstacles into stepping stones and really make a difference in impacting people’s lives, but they need to get training.”
Now in its 7th year, SWI’s DART training uses experts from the U-S Military, says Turner. They do everything from landmine awareness training to political science education. He says the training will, “enable you to get into a really bad area and preach the Gospel. To be a witness for Christ by the things you do as well as by the things you say. The biggest part of winning the battle is showing up. The problem with so many of these complex humanitarian emergency situations is people don’t go because of the situation, so the Gospel can’t be shared.”
Turner says they’re also giving very practical training. “Whether that’s traveling in a car, staying in a hotel, or all the way working in an area with rebel troops. A lot of people like our anti-terrorism training that we put on.”
If you’d like information on SWI’s DART training, click on the link above and follow the links to their website.