- The AIRS instrument aboard Aqua captured infrared data on the storm that showed cloud top temperatures had dropped, indicating stronger uplift and stronger thunderstorms.
(Image Credit:
NASA JPL, Ed Olsen
Caption Credit: NASA.gov)
India (MNN) — They say lightning doesn’t strike twice, but what about cyclones? Cyclone Hudhud made landfall on India’s east coast yesterday, bringing storm surge flooding, high winds, and torrential rain.
Cyclone Hudhud’s arrival fell exactly on the one-year anniversary of Cyclone Phailin. Phailin, largely overshadowed at the time by Typhoon Haiyan’s wrath in the Philippines, struck northeast India on October 12, 2013 carrying wind speeds at around 127 mph.
Lindsay Ackerman of Grand Rapids, Michigan-based Mission India says they partner with believers who were affected by both storms.
“Many people live in homes that are made of mud or straw, or perhaps they’re just in tents–nothing that could ever stand up to the strength of a storm,” Ackerman says, explaining why recovery is such a long process in India.
Mission India helps the Indian Church in a systematic and measurable way through prayer, finance, and ministry partnerships. Together, national believers and Mission India lead Children’s Bible Clubs, teach biblical Adult Literacy Classes, and plant churches.
As Mission India’s partners recover from Cyclone Hudhud, they’re going to need your prayers. Pray for safety and for opportunities to introduce their neighbors to Christ.
“Stepping forward in prayer really gives much comfort and strength, especially to believers there,” Ackerman explains.
“And that then gives them the strength to minister to others in their community who are affected, and to encourage them and walk alongside them.”
Dear fellow believer in christ
Glad to hear about your mission
I am the public health scholar (MPH) willing to volunteer in the area of cyclone hudhud, can you kindly know me details how can i be engage and helpful for the community.
since i am in vacation now, i would be greatful if i can be in touch with community soon
Dr.Karun sandeep BDS, MPH
Christian Medical college, vellore