Kenya (MNN) — Kenya hosts a significant Christian presence, but a strong need for Gospel witness remains. Helen Williams of World Missionary Press just returned from Nairobi, where one partner working in a slum area told her, “The cults and the false teachers are rampant. Some of the cults are pouring money into the region and their particular program.
“Even the Church there, that seems strong in so many ways, [faces] the threat of false teaching and of being led astray from the foundation of the Scriptures.”
Kenyan believers use World Missionary Press Scripture booklets to combat false teachings and more. “They’ve been [partnering] with us for over 25 years, and they have a big container where the boxes are kept,” Williams says.
“Pastors from all over Kenya write and ask for material, then come and get it. They’re reaching into camps, youth work, training, and just so many other areas” with the Scripture booklets and other material, Williams says.
Print and send 125 Scripture booklets to Gospel workers for only $5.
Along with meeting WMP partners, Williams served the local community alongside a short-term missions team. “My cousin is a doctor, and he’s been doing [medical mission trips] for about 12 years. He works with a church in Mombasa, and they minister to their neighborhood,” she explains.
“Once a year, he goes with a team and helps meet the medical needs of the community…people that have no other option for health care receive free supplies and free care and encouragement, and we gave out booklets there as well.”
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Ask the Lord to help believers grow in their knowledge of Christ and His Word. “There is a concerted effort to build a stronger foundation for the believers so that they can not only share the Gospel but also stand against the false teaching that comes,” Williams says.
Pray the Lord will unblock shipping channels so WMP can send Gospel workers the tools they need. “We have one very critical prayer request. We have two containers full of literature ready in our warehouse for Kenya, and we have not been able to get a booking,” Williams says.

“We have two containers full of literature ready in our warehouse for Kenya, and we have not been able to get a booking.”
(Photo courtesy of World Missionary Press)
“We need prayer that God would provide a shipping [opportunity].”
You never know how God will use our gifts to grow His Kingdom.
“[I was talking to] the pastor we work with in Mombasa and he said, ‘I saw this booklet when I was very young. I read it, and this booklet sparked my spiritual interest. And that’s what eventually led me to the Lord,’” Williams says.
“Now he’s a pastor, and he has a successful work, but he wanted me to know that our booklet and the Scriptures in it had sparked his interest in the Word and the Spirit’s movement in his life.”
Header image depicts Helen with local leaders and WMP partners. (Photo courtesy of World Missionary Press)