USA (MNN) — Urbana'09 is quickly upon us, and payments and applications will soon be due. Finances can be a stopping point for many, but they need not be anymore.
Urbana’09 is the famous InterVarsity Christian Fellowship college student missions conference. The conference is focused on international and national missions and encourages students to live out their faith for the good of the kingdom wherever the Lord calls them. The conference hosts over 20,000 college students in St. Louis every three years. Since the conference takes place so infrequently, it has really become a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for students who get to attend. The cost of Urbana is high, however, and can be a hindrance to many passionate beliers who desire to go but can’t afford it.
Christian Reformed World Relief Committee is committed to the cause of Urbana’09. This belief in the importance of the conference has prompted CRWRC to offer travel grants to students who are having trouble affording the price of Urbana’09. In order to qualify, students must be from either Canada or the United States and must be a regular attendee of a Christian Reformed Church. An application must also be filled out.
Applications for the grant are due on November 30, but if students apply for Urbana before October 17, the conference will be even cheaper ($395 if registered by October 17, $475 if registered by December 1 and $495 if not registered until December 27). Urbana’09 begins on December 27 and ends on December 31.
CRWRC does not want finances to prevent college students from attending Urbana. This missions conference has been life-changing for thousands and will most assuredly redirect thousands more this winter.
To apply for a CRWRC travel grant, click here.
To register for Urbana’09, click here.