Kenya (MNN) — “Kenya has faced chronic drought over the last three years, and every [year] it seems to be a bit worse. With post-election violence in 2007, we kind of foresaw that this year it could be especially bad because they didn’t grow as much food as they usually would.”
Beth Zylstra with
Christian Reformed World Relief Committee has observed what thousands of Kenyans have experienced firsthand. The food situation in Kenya has worsened as a result of several factors, largely because of the serious lack of rain.
“We began doing food aid to people who were already affected by drought in April, and rather than getting better, the rains never came. So now the situation is even worse,” says Zylstra.
Despite the natural setback, CRWRC’s food aid is helping to nourish about 70,000 people with maize and split peas. “We’re currently helping 10,670 households with food baskets each month,” says Zylstra. “We’ve been working with them since April and will continue to work with them through January.”
CRWRC has done what they can to increase effectiveness including a number of partnerships with other Christian ministries.
“We’re working as a consortium with five different partners—two of our own local partners, two other international agencies, and one other local partner,” says Zylstra. “So it’s creating a bigger impact by working together.”
Lives are being saved by these ministries’ relief; but the food aid can only continue with continued funding. If you would like to be involved in rescuing lives in Kenya by providing funding for nutritional sustenance, click here.
As the people of Kenya continue to suffer, they are most desperately in need of our prayer. Pray that rain would come in the short season of October and November. Pray also that those who are receiving aid from CRWRC and other relief organizations would see the food aid for what it is: God’s provision. Pray that the Lord would be glorified, even through these trials, knowing that He cares deeply for all His children.