International (MNN) — For children who have one or both
parents in prison, the odds are stacked high against them.
According to Crossroad Bible Institute (CBI), these children are five
to seven times more likely to become involved in crime. Also, "the children of
prisoners are ‘at-risk' for juvenile delinquency, drug and alcohol abuse,
instability and truancy," CBI said in a recent newsletter.
Currently, there are at least two million kids who have at
least one parent incarcerated. And the average age of these kids is
CBI is reaching out to these kids to show them
someone cares and teach them about Christ's love. They are in the process of completing their pilot program
for "Crossroad Kids" Bible study.
"Though the lessons are written at a third grade level, children
from age 6 to 19 are signing up and already returning their completed lessons,"
said CBI president David Schuringa in his October newsletter.
When Schuringa visited Bellamy Creek Correctional Facility
in Ionia, Michigan, he told the inmates there about the program.
"Their eyes opened as wide as saucers, and the room lit up like
a Christmas Tree! After the service, I ran out of enrollment forms in minutes," Schuringa wrote.
This new ministry allows CBI to share Christ's love
not only with their students, but with the entire family.
"We help Crossroad Kids immensely by discipling their
parents. But how much more can happen by getting the kids into God's Word,"
Shuringa wrote.
In addition, as the prisoners pass out the enrollment forms to
their families, it gives them the chance to be spiritual leaders in their
Your gifts to CBI will enable this study to continue
and reach even more kids. To help out, click here.