Lebanon (MNN) — Theft in Lebanon is up by 265-percent. A research firm based in Beirut compared crime rates during the first ten months of 2021 to the same period in 2019.
Lebanon’s never-ending crises drive widespread desperation. UNESCO estimates 1.25 million Lebanese families live below the poverty line, and 40-percent are below the extreme poverty line.
“The increase in crimes, and theft, in particular, is the result of the political and economic instability,” a security source told Beirut Today.
Officials received more than 500 theft reports in October alone. Ministries are not immune.
“Last week, we had one of our generators stolen. We had it in a metal box with a double lock but still, people came in at night, and they broke all the locks,” Nuna of Triumphant Mercy Lebanon says.
“Last night, we had somebody also trying to open one of our centers because we have computers and sewing machines. It was not stolen, praise God, but people are trying to steal.”
The loss comes as Triumphant Mercy prepares a Christmas celebration for the poorest of the poor. “We’re going to have a celebration with children; taking them to a playground and do a Christmas activity, and give them gifts,” Nuna says.
“We’re trying to make people feel a little bit better, which means not a regular food pack – beans and pasta and rice – it’s meat and vegetables and a whole dinner,” she continues.
“We’re trying to celebrate in an extravagant way because I want people to feast on Jesus.”
Pray the celebration points people to Christ. Help provide supplies for the Christmas celebration by giving online here.
Pray that “even with a desperate situation, we will be a ray of light and bring some joy into people’s lives,” Nuna requests.
“We want to give hope and bring a knowledge that Jesus is close. He’s Emanuel. He is God with us, and He has not left people.”
Header image is a representative stock photo courtesy of Flex Point Security/Unsplash.