International (MNN) — Concerts by godly artists have certainly brought people to the cross for the first time in the past, but not typically people from halfway across the globe. One concert–hopefully to be followed by many more–was able to do that.
Christian Resources International hosted a concert with the help of Family Life Radio and singer Todd Agnew to bring the Good News to people across the globe. And they did it without the use of a satellite or internet connection.
CRI is a ministry designed to deliver the message of Christ to people worldwide by distributing Christian literature, Bibles, and other resources to believers in need. And for this particular concert, the entry fee wasn't cash: it was a Bible.
"We had over a thousand Bibles that had been donated along with the funds to send those Bibles," reflects Jason Woolford, Executive Director of CRI. "I let [the audience] know that as we were standing there, they had become book missionaries by simply bringing a Bible and a buck."
The Bibles will go on to pastors and Christian leaders across the globe who do not have their own. The potential for outreach is immeasurable.
"One gentleman who had contacted our ministry reached 40,000 people in India with one Bible that we had sent," says Woolford. Each crate CRI sends to another nation contains 30,000 Bibles and books.
The impact of just that one concert will be great, but CRI hopes to expand the impact to bring the Truth to thousands more people. Here is where you come in.
In a recent MNN interview with Woolford, we asked how others could replicate this experience. Woolford told us he dreams that many people will "go to their church and say, ‘Hey, have you ever thought about doing a concert with a cause and having it be free, but have it be the cost of a Christian book?'"
Family Life Radio hopes to assist you and CRI in hosting more concerts across the country to collect more Bibles and Christian books for the global church.
Whether you host a concert or another event, it's easy to get this life-changing giving option in motion. Contact Jamie Holdecraft at [email protected] or through www.cribooks.org, and she'll point you in the right direction.
There's really no better way to spread God's Word fast and effectively. Woolford adds, "God says that' faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God.' So I guess we can't get any better than what we send if we're sending the Word of God."