Philippines (MNN) — While the Philippines has been battered by natural disasters over the last year, Good News is coming to the country. It’s the greatest story ever told: the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Executive Director of Christian Resources International Jason Woolford says, “We are going to send a used book value of $3 million of free Bibles and Christian books to six different locations within the Philippines. We will be setting up our CRI distribution center in the northern part of the Philippines.”
Why is this needed? Woolford says, “For people, pastors, evangelists, and brand new Christians to get a free Bible or Christian book.”
That’s not all. In addition to the shipment of books, Woolford and his team will travel to the Philippines to will hold Gospel meetings. The trip is scheduled for the first week in October. “I’ll be ministering in the Cuneta Astrodome in Manila. We’re expecting a minimum of 10,000 people [to] come and hear a free concert from the Michael Maher Band and then be ministered to. And each person will walk out with a free Bible or Christian book.”
According to Woolford, this kind of ministry is needed. “122,000 people are being saved every day around the world, and the majority of those people are attending a church with a pastor who doesn’t even own a Bible. Our ministry encourages people in the United States to share their bookshelf, to support us financially, and we send those books around the world.
“That helps to support Bible colleges, lending libraries, and equip pastors, orphans, and new believers with God’s Word that would normally be discarded.”
Training is another part of CRI’s October trip. “We’ll be training up pastors in multiple areas on that trip, both in the cities of Batangas and Dagupan. We will reach over 1,000 pastors.”
The only thing holding them back right now is funding to ship the books. “We need people to pray, but we also need people to come along financially. We’re halfway [to our goal] of $80,000 to make this thing a reality.”
It costs $11,000 to send a container of books to the Philippines. Perhaps your church or business can help sponsor this distribution effort.
If you can help financially or would like to go on the trip with Woolford and other CRI supporters, click here.
Is this CRI, the same mission that Bradley Jones founded?
Albert, thanks for your question. Christian Resources International was founded in 1956 by Logan Papworth.