Russia (MNN) — Russia suffered more than a thousand COVID-19 deaths every day last week, and the rate of new infections continues to soar. A week-long nationwide shutdown was scheduled to end Sunday, but some regional leaders chose to extend the restrictions.
This fourth wave of new infections and deaths began in late September. Rates rose daily last month, and some say the actual numbers far exceed government statistics.
The surge is not hindering Gospel work. Helen Williams of World Missionary Press says believers press on toward a 2023 goal. “We have had continuous communication with them,” Williams says.
“There’s been no indication that things have to come to a halt.”
Although their contacts have not mentioned any problems, she continues, it may not be accurate for every believer in the network. “There [are] lots of churches; it (the network) covers a large area, so it may depend on the individuals,” Williams says.
Reaching Russia for Christ
Earlier this year, church partners described their ambitious plans and sought help from WMP. More about that here. “A group of pastors committed themselves to reach 25 million people in the central Russia area, which includes Moscow, in the next 24 months,” Williams says.
“[Our contact has] about 350 churches involved in this (mission) across that region. They looked through the literature and [requested] our Bible study on John as an initial piece, and they will also be using our new booklet Who Do You Say I Am?”
Today, everything waits on the Lord’s timing. COVID-19 restrictions in Russia and the global supply chain backup could stop WMP’s delivery from reaching believers. However, church partners have the green light to bring Scripture booklets into the country.
“They have been very diligent in the logistics and the permissions that they need. We are currently getting ready to print the Bible study on John,” Williams says.
“As soon as we get this printed, it can go on a container, and it can get into Russia.”
World Missionary Press does not sell any of its Scriptural materials to believers around the world. Help cover the costs of printing and distribution here.
Because of WMP’s economy of operation (high-speed equipment printing on rolls of paper, “missionary” wages, and the work of hundreds of volunteers), each donated dollar provides the equivalent of 25 topical Scripture booklets.
Most importantly, pray. Use prompts listed alongside this article to guide your intercession.
“As the Word goes out, [pray] that people will understand God loves them, and there is salvation and a Savior available. Those are critical issues that only the Lord can do,” Williams says.
“I know the Lord is going to do a great work in Russia.”
Header image depicts a Russian ambulance. (Photo courtesy of SLON V KASHE/Unsplash)