Pakistan (MNN/VOM/ODM) — The first hearing in Pakistan’s Supreme Court on the appeal of Asia Bibi’s conviction for blasphemy and resulting death sentence will be held next Wednesday, July 22, at 9 a.m. in Lahore.
Please pray fervently for Asia and her family, for her attorney, and for the three judges who will hear the case. May God grant justice for Asia Bibi, and may His name be glorified in this process.
The Voice of the Martyrs USA, Open Doors USA, and International Christian Concern have not only been following the situation since her arrest six years ago, but are also actively advocating her release and assisting in other ways as Asia’s case slowly makes its way through the court system.
She remains on death row despite multiple calls for her release from the highest levels. According to her lawyer, her legal team is ready to fully present her case before Pakistan’s Supreme Court, but the court is busy.
At the same time, Asia’s case created a strong reaction among the extremists in Pakistan. Family members went public with a $5,000 bounty that was put out by fundamentalist clerics out to kill her.
“The international community is already convinced that Asia is a typical case of abuse of the Blasphemy Law and should be released,” an Open Doors spokesperson has said. “We need to pray for influential people in this country that they will be able to release Asia, and at the same time, prevent havoc and targeted attacks.”
She remains at Multan jail. Her husband, Ashiq, told VOM workers, “Whenever I go visit, she requests prayer from the brothers and sisters who are helping her.” Asia Bibi received a death sentence after being convicted of blasphemy in connection with an argument at work in 2009.
Learn more about Asia Bibi’s story at www.CallForMercy.com.
There is an International day of Prayer for Asia that begins tonight. See
for more details
Every blessing to you all
Dear Asia, we have never stopped praying for you or thinking of your plight since we first heard of your imprisonment. May all of this be for God’s glory!! You are the example we give to anyone, starting with ourselves, of how a Christian can stand up to anything when God is with them. Anytime we begin to complain about any or every little thing in our life that we don’t like or that we think we can’t tolerate, we instantly say, “think of Asia & what she is going through”. I believe you are known throughout the Christian world for your consistent love for our precious Saviour who allowed you to go through theses past years for a very important reason & work. I pray, though, that it may end soon for you & you will be released. Just the thought of that day will be the best day of celebration that we could experience!! Our prayers will not end for you & your family, but will continue until God tells us to stop!! Much love from the believers in America to you & all who suffer in your country of Pakistan!! Tami Carter
I have been praying for you for well over a year now. I have been asking for your strength as a Christian and God to watch over you. .
I will continue to pray for your release from prison and being united with your wonderful family!
God will surely see you through Asia. His will alone be done.
I am only now learning about the plight of Asia, and I take this opportunity to say that nothing that happens to a child of God goes unnoticed by the Most High. 2 Chronicles 16:9 says, “The eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew Himself strong on the behalf of all those whose heart is perfect toward Him…..” I trust that you were able to fulfill God’s purpose for allowing you to be imprisoned for your faith in Him. I can only prayer now that God’s will, will be established for your life in the upcoming court appeal, all for the honor and glory of the Almighty.
Dear Asia, you are in the hearts of your brothers and sisters worldwide as we pray daily for your release. We praise God for the grace He gives you that enables you to be faithful to Jesus. Your testimony is being used by Him for His divine purposes and we will rejoice with you when you receive your great reward heaven. We pray for His comfort for you and your family.
Please see this article:
dear Asia, I have been praying, May God fulfil His good pleasures towards you. Be stong. our God is stronger than all our enemies.
praise the Lord
America should intervene to teach the illiterates and end fanaticism in Pakistan & middle-east
LOVE YOU Bashir Shah in Darwin, Australia.