Tanzania (MNN) — We’ve talked about Freedom Climbs before with Operation Mobilization. They are mountain climbing events that symbolize the struggle women and children face in other countries each day. Not only that, but the climb raises money to help oppressed and enslaved women and children.
Operation Mobilization is putting a little twist on the event this year, however. They’re getting ready for the Corporate Freedom Climb 2015.
Tina Yeager fills us in: “The Corporate Climb was created in order to get more organizations (churches and businesses) to rally with Operation Mobilization against these issues.”
The climb offers a way for these people to come together and raise funds and awareness in their organizations and communities regarding human exploitation such as human trafficking.
Yeager says, “We actually go to Mount Kilimanjaro. February 26 we start the actual climb, and it’s a seven day trek. And we have about 20 participants that will be trekking up the mountain with us.”
For the first time with a United States initiated Freedom Climb, men are invited to come along and help raise awareness.
Each sponsor has the goal to raise $50,000 toward projects around the world.
“We have 55 projects as a whole around the world that are addressing prevention, rescue, rehabilitation, and development,” Yeager says. “OM really believes in a model looking at the whole need, from development issues to how do you share the Gospel with the family if they’re not even able to provide food for their children?”
Situations like this put children at a higher risk of being trafficked.
One church has already raised funds to open a second rescue home for girls in India to help them leave a life of sex slavery.
To find out more about the Corporate Freedom climb and how you can get involved, click here.