Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — Ongoing violence in the volatile
eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo has caused thousands of people to flee
to neighboring Uganda this year.
Even while the upheaval has created uncertainty, it seems it
has also created a thirst for truth. Grace Ministries International staff can confirm that. This past year, God has done amazing things
as over 9,000 people have responded positively to the proclamation of the
Three evangelistic teams have been doing tract evangelism
and open-air campaigns in villages and schools. First, they'll meet with the
local church to get help; then they go door-to-door inviting people to an
open-air service in the evening. There,
the team shows the One Hope DVD
entitled, "The GodMan."
With so many people placing their faith in Christ, there
comes another issue: discipleship. The
churches aren't prepared to hold all of the new believers. New resource and discipleship materials are
being written just for this purpose, and GMI
is also raising funds to print the
What's even more amazing, the team started the campaign with
the hope of seeing 1000 accept Christ. The Democratic Republic of Congo is GMI's
oldest and largest mission field. Two missionaries work with Grace Church
in Congo in the areas of evangelism, church planting, education, literature,
medical work, and community development projects.
Leaders for over 500 affiliate churches are trained in their
fully-accredited Theological College, Pastors' School, and 16 Bible institutes.
A large medical center with two Congolese doctors is
functioning in a Muslim area where there is a focus on planting churches in the
surrounding unreached people groups. One teacher training college, 75 high
schools, and 145 grade schools are run by the national church.