Myanmar (MNN) — Fighting flares between the Myanmar army and anti-junta rebels. Army troops raid villages daily. The latest incursion sent nearly 5,000 people from ten communities on the run.
Brian Dennett of AMG International says, “The poor people of Myanmar are not getting the exposure they need, and the situation is desperate.”
The country is in shambles following a 2021 coup. “This (ongoing conflict) has caused permanent damage,” Dennett says.
“There seems to be no end in sight, and it has put so much pressure on people – particularly Christians who were already marginalized in Myanmar.”
On Thursday, a new round of sanctions from the European Union sent the currency’s value plummeting again. On Sunday, Myanmar’s Central Bank announced a new banknote worth twice as much as the current highest denomination.
Authorities gave no reason for its release, but analysts connect it to the failing economy.
“Myanmar is headed for economic disaster. It is very hard for people to get basic supplies, food, water, and other essential things,” Dennett says.
AMG International sends help for today and hope for tomorrow through its network of church partners in Myanmar. “We have a large team in Myanmar, an entire network of churches, and a team in Thailand,” Dennett says.
“Despite the government’s resistance, we have successfully been able to get in and distribute to those in need in quite a few communities across the country.”
Every visit brings encouragement to those who need it most. “People are hungry for Jesus; they seek hope in any way they can,” Dennett says.
Partner with AMG here to inspire hope, restore lives, and rebuild communities in the name of Jesus. Most importantly, pray. Ask the Lord to protect believers as they deliver aid.
“Our team is going behind enemy lines in Myanmar and looking to love, support, and share even from the little that they have. Pray for them,” Dennett requests.
Header image is a representative stock photo courtesy of Saw Wunna/Unsplash.