Ghana (MNN) — Global Advance held their first Frontline Shepherd's Conference in Ghana in November. There were 964 pastors and 200 Christian business leaders in attendance,
representing many evangelical denominations.
Global Advance's David Shibley says the passion of the people and the resources available to them show a stark difference. "The church in Ghana, being a stronger African church, really has a great mission heart and mission vision. They have more vision to go than they have resources to send missionaries, so we believe that our Marketplace Missions Conference
was very strategic."
Hundreds of pastors also committed to cross-cultural church planting. Shibley says, "I believe this is extremely significant as the Ghanaian church now moves toward the final stage of being truly indigenous."
The long-term stability in the country has lent itself to the vision of the church. This has created an obvious correlation in the warm reception of the Gospel in Ghana.
Shibley says Ghana is moving toward becoming a launching ground for missions in Africa. "I believe that God, by His spirit, is going to use the church in Ghana in a very, very
strategic role for missions in the 21st century. Some of the greatest mission hearted men I have ever met anywhere, I met in Ghana," he said.