International (MNN) — The third ever Lausanne Conference will be held in Cape Town,
South Africa in 2010.
This location holds historic value since it was proposed to hold a similar conference in 1810 by the man considered to be the father of modern missions, William Carey. The purpose of these conferences is to gather church and mission leaders from around the world to discuss issues facing the church and world evangelism.
The original Lausanne Conference was held in Lausanne, Switzerland in 1974. Led by Billy Graham, the Lausanne Covenant was written, outlining intentional collaboration for world evangelism. The conferences are practical as well as theological. That year, 2,700 people from 150 countries were in attendance.
The second conference, in 1989, was located in Manila, Philippines. With 3,600 from 190 countries attending that conference, the Manila Manifesto was created to reaffirm and expand the
Lausanne Covenant. It called believers to "Proclaim Christ Until He Comes."
The Congress on World Evangelism has scheduled the conference for October 16-25, 2010.