USA (MNN) — You may have heard the accusation in one form or another when it comes to pro-life issues: Christians are so hung up on the issue of abortion, they don’t care about the suffering or needs of anyone else.
Tom Lothamer says for Life Matters Worldwide and many other compassionate pro-life Christians, that is simply not true. This Sunday, January 15th as we celebrate Sanctity of Human Life Sunday, it’s about the unborn, yes, but it’s also about so much more.
“If you go back to the very first book of the Bible, Genesis chapter one, and it says when God said, ‘Let us make man in our image after our likeness and let them have dominion,’ and so forth, He created man in His own image. So the sanctity of human life actually starts there, because we’re all made in His image and that is sacred and God takes that very seriously.”
Therefore, Lothamer explains, “When we consider conception, you know, the development of a child, or at the very end of life, caring for the elderly, it’s all about the sanctity of human life. It’s about [God’s] image, and God says for us to care for those who are elderly, maybe sickly, the pre-born child, and everywhere in between.”
The timing of this year’s Sanctity of Human Life Sunday is rather ironic. The United States always celebrates it on the third Sunday of January, which this year is January 15th. But a week later on Sunday, January 22nd is the 44th anniversary for Roe v Wade — the court case that legalized abortion in our nation.
As we continue to promote the value of life in the United States and around the world, how can we use the subject as a personal outreach tool to talk about faith and God?
It starts with sharing God’s infinite value placed on human souls. That means while a person you know may feel rejected or devalued, they need to know they have a Heavenly Father who cherishes their life and soul.
Lothamer says, “If we as people can be informed about this subject, asking God to guide us even to people who may have questions or may be in crisis themselves, we can talk with them, we can help them.”
It’s also important to have these conversations and make resources available in places where people are hurting or dealing with value of life issues — such as pregnancy care centers, hospitals, nursing homes, high schools, and especially churches.
“I think it’s important for the Church to address this issue, for us to be churches that say to people that it’s okay to share your concerns, it’s okay even to share your abortion because we’re all about healing in this church.”
To highlight sanctity of human life issues and advocate for the voiceless and marginalized, Life Matters Worldwide has several resources available to you!
“You can celebrate Sanctity of Human Life Sunday any Sunday or anytime of the year! We have resources such as bulletin inserts, we have special manuals for pastors…with all kinds of pro-life information including sermons and just all kinds of stuff they can get that can help them to speak more clearly about this subject.”
And most importantly, you can advocate for the sanctity of human life in front of the throne of God in prayer.
“I think first of all, with the new additions in our country in the United States, [with] at least two Supreme Court justices, that we would be able to get men or women in there that not only uphold the Constitution, but are believers in the sanctity of human life and will uphold the sanctity of life. That would be one prayer request,” says Lothamer.
“Another one would be for our legislators, nationally and within our states, that they would have wisdom in all of their work, but especially as it relates to the sanctity of human life. And then as we find out what’s going on in our communities, [ask] where can we get engaged, and how can we pray for ministries like the rescue mission or the pregnancy care centers, and frankly even how do we pray for the local churches to be sensitive to this whole issue.”
One final thought from Lothamer as we ponder how to put our faith into action for the sanctity of human life…
“I would encourage people to consider, ‘Are we willing to take in a pregnant young lady who needs help in our home? Are we willing to assist with others in providing for the needs of these women? And, frankly, at the other end of life, are we willing to help families who have a loved one who’s suffering physically or in other ways?’ So if we could just be sensitive to the needs of people around us, that says to a public that we believe in the sanctity of human life, and we believe in [God’s] image, and because we do, we’re going to reach out to all people regardless of who they are.”