Togo (MNN) — Since the completion of a New Testament translation project, tens of thousands will now have the opportunity to read the Scriptures in their own language in Togo.
The Gangam people make up a small portion of Togo; there are only 51,000 Gangam to a total 6.7 million population in the West African nation. Still, that has been 51,000 people without the Word of God in their heart language.
The Gangam are a Sudanic people who live in northern Togo, mostly in rural, dry areas. They make their living through agriculture or by herding cattle or camels.
Joshua Project reports show that the Gangam traditionally have followed ethnic beliefs and practices, including the belief in a supreme god and creator who will judge and render punishment after death, and the practice of ancestral spirit worship. Soothsayers are relied upon to determine health or illness, and offer sacrifices accordingly.
Throughout the years, the Gangam have been unable to obtain much in the way of Christian resources. Most Gangam have not heard a clear presentation of the Gospel — unsurprising since only 0.6% of the population are evangelical believers.
As prayers have flowed over the Gangam, however, that reality is changing. Wycliffe Bible Translators has recently announced the completion of many years of translation work resulting in a Gangam New Testament. The New Testament is now being printed.
The Scripture celebration is not scheduled until November 25, but already many are rejoicing. One translator remarked, "What a marvel! Almighty God speaks Gangam! His eternal wonders are expressed in my own language. Who am I that Almighty God should think of me? Praise the Lord for His marvelous deeds!"
Pray that all 51,000 Gangam would feel this way as they read and hear the Gospel in their heart language for the first time. Continue to cover the Gangam in prayer, asking the Lord to prepare their hearts to receive this News. Pray also for protection in the printing process so the New Testaments may be distributed as soon as possible.
Wycliffe has over 1,500 other running projects that are yet to be completed. About 340 million have yet to hear the Scriptures in their own language. If you would like to help bring the Gospel to the millions who have yet to realize that a loving Creator speaks their language, visit wycliffe.org and learn how you can get involved today.