Colombia (MNN) — Rainy season this
year will go down as one of the worst in Colombia's history of the country, according
to government officials.
Tens of thousands were displaced, 141
people lost their lives and nearly three million others were affected by the
phenomenon La Nina dumped on the region during this season. Problems with food security could soon follow. The
waters damaged 5000 hectares of crops. Add to that the cost of last year's floods and
landslides which affected 70% of the country.
The Colombian government has
earmarked $42 million toward the rebuilding of houses plans to assist families
in the areas most damaged by this year's rainy season, officials said.
The northern Uraba region, which
borders Panama, was most affected by floods and landslides caused by torrential
rains. One of the affected
communities was Talaigua Nuevo Bolivar.
A Compassion-assisted center, Centro de Desarrollo Integral
Corazones Abiertos, flooded. The
center closed so the staff could clean up from the flooding and assess damages.
The homes of more than 45 Compassion-assisted children were also damaged by
the flooding. Some of the families relocated to temporary shelters at
nearby schools or stayed with family members.
Every child who participates in a Compassion program is given the
opportunity to learn about Jesus and discover how to develop a lifelong
relationship with God. The ministry works
exclusively in partnership with the local church to deliver a holistic child
development program.
Please pray for the heavy rains to cease so the floodwaters can recede from
this area. Pray for continued provision the families whose homes have
been damaged. Ask God to keep
opening doors for hope.