Guatemala (MNN) — Internships are a part of just about any college major at this point. They can thus feel like nothing more than something to get through. As a believer though, an internship could mean an opportunity to build the Kingdom.
Orphan's Heart may have just the opportunity.
"We've come up with this unique program where you can get invaluable, international mission experience while at the same time getting college credit," says Howard Hooper with Orphan's Heart.
The new college internship program at Orphan's Heart involves two options: a 4-5 week stay in Guatemala, or in Miami, Florida.
The Guatemala program is an excellent opportunity to serve, to be Christ's love, and to directly respond to the James 1:27 call to "look after orphans and widows in their distress." Interns have the opportunity to spend June or July helping at a malnutrition center, feeding, playing with and holding children who stay in the hospital-like setting for six months to a year. More and more volunteers are going on short-term trips with Orphan's Heart, so Guatemala interns will also be a part of guiding those summer trips.
If a month in Guatemala with children doesn't seem to be calling your name, though, Orphan's Heart has another option at its headquarters in Miami. Interns in Florida will work in the office, learning about organizational leadership and management, assisting with projects, and helping coordinate volunteer teams. Interns in Florida will still get an international flare by spending a week in Guatemala.
Both positions are vital in building the kingdom. Interns in Guatemala have a chance to directly impact the kingdom by acting as Christ's ambassadors to children and the people of Guatemala. Interns in Miami have an opportunity to be a part the behind-the-scenes work that keeps the ministry going. An internship in either place will be a significant contribution to a ministry working to care for children and expand the Kingdom.
Beyond service opportunities, interns will undoubtedly grow in their spiritual walks as well. Participants will learn through daily devotions and prayer, but especially through hands-on experience. Hooper says while students are interning, "God is building your character, building your patience, building your love for these children and people of Guatemala–or in Miami, if you're here."
Interested? The only things left to know are the nitty-gritty details. In order to qualify for an internship, candidates must be college students with a minimum 3.0 cumulative GPA, valid references, and a solid background check. Applicants need to have the ability to share their faith and must possess a servant's heart.
If applying for the Guatemala position, some Spanish would be helpful. However, "You don't have to speak the language to hold a child, you don't have to speak the language to feed a child, you don't have to speak the language to play with a child," notes Hooper. "If you're willing to do that, we're willing to have you help with this summer."
Participants will need to raise their own support, but Orphan's Heart will help with suggestions and fundraising tools.
These internships are excellent opportunities to serve Christ and His people. To learn more or to apply, visit www.orphansheart.org/internship.html. But hurry! The deadline has been extended, but only to March 1. Get your application in by then to see if you could be spending a chunk of your summer serving the Lord and getting college credit for it.
Watch a video about the Guatemala Children's Malnutrition Center here.