Collaboration in Christ: the “sweet spot” in audio Bible distribution

By July 18, 2024

International (MNN) Unknown Nations embraces the heart of Christ-like collaboration through a partnership with MegaVoice to bring more audio Bibles to unreached people groups.

“It’s critical,” Greg Kelley from Unknown Nations says, “that we all recognize what our sweet spots are, where our strengths are, and none of us are going to be able to do it alone, that is, to carry out Jesus’ last words. We have to do it collectively and together. I quite honestly believe that is the environment that Jesus blesses the most.”

Unknown Nations focuses on reaching the unreached people groups in the 10/40 window through local missionaries, humanitarian relief, and distributing audio bibles in areas with 0.00-0.02 gospel presence.

Gospel workers distribute Treasure audio Bibles in Africa.
(Photo courtesy of Unknown Nations)

MegaVoice makes solar-powered audio Bibles and partners with different ministries to distribute them so all people can hear the Gospel in their own language.

Kelley says this collaboration with MegaVoice is vital and allows Unknown Nations to focus on  its “sweet spot”, distributing the gospel to unreached areas.

“We need to realize when Jesus told us to go and make disciples of all nations that requires a church, but it also requires the Word of God. If somebody is an oral learner, then we have to realize there needs to be another way for the Word of God to hit this person’s heart.”

According to the International Orality Network, there are 5.7 billion oral learners in the world and 2.7 billion are unreached. As a response to this need, Unknown Nations and MegaVoice agree through their collaboration that teaching everyone how to read is not practical, but to deliver the Word of God through audio Bibles that will reach the oral learner’s hearts and help them become disciples.

Pray for God to bless these ministries’ efforts as they work together to spread the gospel. Ask God to prepare the hearts of the unreached people for His Word so when the Gospel comes, it may lead many people to Him.

Collaborate with Unknown Nations in this ministry by joining their prayer movement 



Header photo of Treasure audio Bible courtesy of Unknown Nations.

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