USA (MNN) — Where you live shouldn't determine whether or not you can walk. It shouldn't determine whether or not you are accepted by your community, or if you will ever have an education. A family. A job. A future.
But for many children, the difference between hope and hopelessness is determined by the lines of latitude and longitude.
A child born with clubfoot in Lansing, Michigan is treated immediately. She'll probably never remember life with clubfoot. But an ocean away, in Niamey, Niger, the scenario is much different. A child born with clubfoot is considered cursed and incurable by his village. His family will struggle to find proper care, watching helplessly as his condition deteriorates.
There are 200,000 children born each year with clubfoot. Each one can be helped, but how many will get that chance?
CURE International hospitals and clinics provide healing to thousands of these children and their families each year, but so many more are in need. For only $250, you can give one child the chance to walk and the opportunity for a real future.
Not only is there physical healing, but in many cases there is also spiritual healing as Christians share Christ's love with those involved.
Your financial and prayer support is needed today. Click here to give.