Nepal (MNN) — An orphanage in Nepal is facing a desperate financial crisis.
The orphanage was started by Vision Beyond Borders, but now it only has enough funds to stay open for a few more months.
At its peak, the Nepali orphanage held around 50 children. But according to Vision Beyond Borders, a series of tragic events led to the transfer of all but 13 children.
The rest are in different institutions.
Now, all of the support the orphanage previously received has stopped completely. It nearly shut down, but due to a recent generous gesture, the orphanage can stay open for a few more months.
Regular support, however, is needed to keep Vision Beyond Borders’s orphanage in Nepal up and running. They need financial help to pay rental fees and to provide food and clothing for the orphans.
Situated between India and China, Nepal is dangerous for a kid on the streets since it has the highest rate of child disappearance in the world. There is an estimated orphan population of 650,000 in Nepal.
With such a large orphan population in the country, there is also a large need for someone to bring the redeeming love of Christ.
Vision Beyond Borders is unique from government-sanctioned orphanages in that their ministry to children and orphans includes teaching them the Lordship of Christ at a young age. Many orphans have come to know Christ as their Savior because of this.
But VBB can’t do it alone. You can help them have an eternal impact in a child’s life.
Click here to donate to Vision Beyond Borders's orphanage in Nepal.