Cambodia (MNN) — The Ministry Partner Program, a branch of Christian Reformed World Relief Committee, is working to make citizens environmentally aware in Cambodia.
Environmental concern is uncommon in Cambodia for the most part. One CRWRC worker admitted that Cambodia has become so dirty, "we often lose the ability to see the filth around us." Even churches there are littered with garbage and stale water. CRWRC is working to raise awareness in Cambodia, especially in Christian circles. If churches became a clean and safe place to be, they would stand out and be much more inviting to curious seekers.
Recently, a training course was facilitated with 32 participants led by three CRWRC teachers. The course covered definitions of environment, the negative effects chemicals, deforestation, human excrement and garbage can have on it, and the ways everyday citizens can improve it.
At first, many participants were not even certain they knew what "environment" meant. When it had been explained thoroughly to them, several questions were asked about how to respect the environment. Many good answers were offered regarding ways to clean up, such as planting trees, picking up garbage and staying clear of chemicals. When asked why they were not already doing these things, the participants said it was because they were uneducated on the issue.
By the end of the classes, the participants were prepared and excited to make some changes. They now recognize and agree that protecting the environment is an international responsibility, especially for Christians. Believers are told to be good stewards of God's gifts, including the earth. These 32 believers in Cambodia are now leading the way to bringing God glory by caring for His creation.