India (MNN) – As more states in India adopt anti-conversion laws, persecution of religious minorities has also spread. Despite the growing persecution, Christians in India continue to reach out to their neighbors with the Gospel.
Bibles For The World regularly receives requests for more Scriptures and partnerships in different areas of India. In Bihar state, less than one percent of people are counted as Christians. A church planting leader there is working to spread the Gospel among the unreached. To do this, he asked Bibles For the World for help.

Photo courtesy of Bibles For The World on Facebook.
President John Pudaite says, “He challenged me for a million Gospels of John, to provide to his church planters and to support them to equip them for their ministry.”
Pudaite offered to first bring 80,000 copies to a large conference the church planting leader had organized. About 800 church planters came to the conference, focused on three primary states of India, including Bihar. The church planters serve on the frontlines of Gospel outreach, while enduring persecution and oppression in the name of Christ.
The Scriptures arrived in time for the last night of the conference and were met with an enthusiastic response.
“It was just amazing. 80,000 Gospels of John, about 100 per church planter, and they were snatched up literally in minutes,” says Pudaite. “They were so excited to be equipped in that way. We are really working hard now to fulfill their requests for a million Gospels of John in this year 2023.”
Bibles For The World has provided Scriptures to people in 126 nations over the past 50 years. Learn more and support the ministry’s work at BiblesForTheWorld.org.
“We do hope that listeners will come alongside and help provide scriptures for this movement,” says Pudaite. “We just want to do as much as we can as quickly as we can, to provide them with scriptures to equip them. And to get God’s word out and plant as many seeds of the Gospel we can.”
Header representative image courtesy of Rod Long via Unsplash.