Kenya (MNN) – Kenya faces renewed violence in the wake of failed peace talks.
Opposition leader Raila Odinga is encouraging protests once again. He insists President Mwai Kibaki robbed him of victory in last month's presidential ballot by rigging the vote count.
The nationwide unrest that followed the December 30 announcement of Kibaki's election win, and the subsequent Cabinet announcement have claimed at least 600 lives and displaced more then 250,000 people.
In a nation whose people have enjoyed a relatively peaceful coexistence, growing prosperity, and general national stability for at least 15 years, this is a shocking setback.
Global Advance just last year equipped thousands of Kenyan pastors through a Frontline Shepherd's Conference. The response of the Kenyan pastors was encouraging. Many committed themselves to taking the Gospel to other nations such as Burundi, Rwanda, Congo and even Somalia.
The training reinforces the partnership GA has developed over the years with church leaders. Many have been instrumental in bringing hope and healing to the nation.
The GA team was encouraged to receive some reports of Luo Christians in the Kisumu region hiding Kikuyu Christians in their homes for protection.
Please pray that this brotherhood in Christ will overcome any and all tribal loyalties. Ask God to turn this situation into a triumph for His Kingdom in Kenya and the entire East Central Africa region.