South Asia (MNN) — In South Asia, unfoldingWord works alongside church planters in a country we can’t name for security reasons. CEO David Reeves recently visited partners here to troubleshoot issues and plan.
“Zoom is great for being able to continue to keep connections, but it’s not the same as when you sit down across the table and converse,” Reeves says.
“The South Asia context had been isolated; I’ve been unable to get there. After a couple of years, we needed the face-to-face time.”
One partner recently completed New Testament translations in 15 languages. Other partners are laying the groundwork for new projects in 2023.
“The South Asia context continues to expand. They’re doing a lot of work with unreached people groups,” Reeves says.
“As they work with these (unreached) people groups, part of the problem is there are no Scriptures to communicate the Gospel in their heart language.”
Church planters use training and tools from unfoldingWord to create a solution. “Our goal at unfoldingWord is equipping the Church to do Bible translations for themselves,” Reeves says. Learn how you can support Church Centric Bible Translation here.
“One of the underlying principles of Church Centric Bible Translation is God has chosen the Church as His primary instrument to communicate His love. There’s nothing wrong with parachurch organizations; we can come alongside and help, but we shouldn’t replace that (the Church).”
Pray many people will turn to Christ as they read Scripture in their heart language.
“The Body of Christ in the 21st century looks a lot like the Body of Christ in the first century. It’s expanding rapidly into places where Jesus’s name is not known,” Reeves says.
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