Sudan (MNN) — Over the past year, unfoldingWord trained Sudanese Christians and gave them the tools necessary to translate Scripture. Now, these believers will take their first independent steps.
Arne* oversees the Sudanese Arabic translation project for unfoldingWord. “Last year, we spent a good part of eight months or so training a new network of Sudanese Arabic speakers to deal with the minority languages in Sudan,” he says.
According to Joshua Project, 82 percent of Sudan’s people groups have no access to the Gospel. unfoldingWord seeks to resolve this dilemma in partnership with church planting networks.
Learn more about unfoldingWord’s approach here.
Sudanese believers started the newest translation segment in September. Arne will meet with the church planting network this month to follow up. Once fully trained, believers will be equipped to help 133 unreached people groups translate the Bible accurately for themselves.
“We’re training the Sudanese Arabic network and introducing them to the next step in their journey, which is what we call ‘the equipping journey,’” Arne says.
“We’ll be looking at various topics that all Christians need to know, [something] we call ‘the essentials of the faith.’”
The Sudanese people have repeatedly faced disappointment from Islam and the governments formed by Islamic leaders. Right now, people are open to answers from the Bible.
Give the Gospel to Sudan here. Through the end of December, all giving towards the Sudanese translation project up to $61,000 is eligible to be matched.
Pray for successful collaboration efforts between church planting networks in Sudan and Chad.
“Chad and Sudan share a border, and there are (unreached) people groups right along those borders that spill on either side,” Arne says.
“In the context of training the Sudanese, we borrowed some experts from the Chadian project to help build a relationship between the two. We intend to build connections between church networks in those countries to reach all the lost and unreached people groups within the sub-Sahara.”
Header and story images courtesy of unfoldingWord.