Church assembly in India reveals growth

By April 9, 2008

India (MNN) — Rochunga and Mawii Pudaite of Bibles for the World just returned from India.  While there, they visited several cities as well as the country of Bhutan. They also attended the annual assembly of their churches in Manipur, India. 

The theme of this year's assembly was "Proclaim God's Glory Among the Nations." It was a time to inspire the churches and strengthen one another, focusing particularly on outreach programs. "The report was given at the assembly that the church in Northeast India has sent missionaries to Burma, Cambodia, Nepal and Bangladesh. We also have over 120 national missionaries serving in the unreached area of India," said Mawii Pudaite.

During the three-day assembly, Mawii said that there were two significant things that happened. For one, Buddhist monks who had recently converted to Christianity attended. "My, how they drank in the Word of God as we shared with them privately and in the general assembly. God is using His living Word to change and transform lives," she said.

The second significant event was the performance of the mission choir from Chipura. Mawii said that was evidence of revival and growth. "Chipura was declared, at Billy
Graham's Lausanne Congress in 1974, as one of the least-evangelized areas of the world. Following that congress, we sent scores of native missionaries to that area, and today, praise God, Chippura is no longer one of the least-evangelized areas." 

"They were really encouraged. There was tremendous excitement and revival, really, that has been going on for some time," Mawii added. 

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