Russia (MNN) — While autumn doesn't officially begin until next week, at least one ministry is already preparing to reach thousands of young people during Christmas. The effort is called Project Hope and is an outreach of Russian Ministries which serves in the former Soviet Union.
Speaking from Moscow, Paul Tokarchouk with Russian Ministries says national churches in Russia, Ukraine, and Moldova are preparing as we speak. "More than 300 different evangelical churches are putting together all their meetings and all their activities so that more than 50,000 kids would hear the Gospel during the Christmas season."
While Christmas is more than three months away, funding is needed to help the national churches purchase the gift boxes that will have toys, clothing, personal care items, and God's Word, says Tokarchouk. "[We're] not only providing the gift, but the story about Jesus Christ who can bring the hope for the young hearts."
The program is targeting orphans, street kids, and the desperately poor. Tokarchouk says, "Christmas time is a relevant and significant time where they can share Jesus' story so they could have the hope for their future."
As you provide funding for this project, you're doing more than just providing a gift for a child. As adults bring these children to the activities, they too hear the Gospel message. According to Tokarchouk, as they see the good deeds and hear an inspiring message, many begin attending the local church where they have many more opportunities to hear about Christ.
Tokarchouk says Project Hope is a time for training. "This is one of the opportunities for the young generation, as they're going through training during the Fall and putting [what they're learning] into practice."
If your church or Sunday school class is looking for a Christmas ministry project, this is a good one to consider. Just $25 provides a Project Hope gift for Russian churches to distribute at Christmas time. Set a goal. Keep track each Sunday. Pray for the ministry. Then perhaps join Russian Ministries on a Project Hope distribution trip.