Lebanon (MNN) — Your kids may be tired of their Christmas toys by now, but the impact of Triumphant Mercy Lebanon’s Christmas outreach still bears fruit today.
As described here, TM Lebanon staff split into teams and spent several days bringing Christmas joy to those in need.
“The one time is like a teaser; we come with joy and peace just to give them hope. And then we invite them to come to our center later on because we have different programs to help them,” explains Nuna with TM Lebanon.
“We can do many things to help people rise above their circumstances and just be there for them.”
Trust and friendships are growing with every follow-up meeting.
“Teams go [into the homes] and drink a cup of coffee [with people] or tell the story [of Jesus] and say, ‘He loves you so much. He came to the world and wants to come into your situation, too.’ And, we offer a simple prayer” to conclude the time together, Nuna says.
“I’ve never had anyone refuse prayer. Muslims, Christians – even atheists who don’t believe in anything – they never refuse the prayer.”
The conversations aren’t always easy. “You hear doubt, and you hear [people] questioning God a lot [like] ‘Why did this happen to me?” Nuna says.
“There are lots of hard questions.”
Believers don’t have all the answers, but they know the One who can solve every problem. Pray that lives will change as Lebanese accept Jesus as their Savior and follow Him.
Ask the Lord to strengthen and sustain the TM Lebanon team.
“Pray for the team. We want to be this light, but at the same time, [there’s] darkness coming against us,” Nuna says.
“It’s very hard to answer the questions of people who have lost a loved one, or lost homes or lost any joy of living.”
Food aid packages like the one in the header image are tangible demonstrations of Christ’s love and care. (Photo courtesy of TM Lebanon)