International (MNN) — During this Christmas season, Scott Clifton with FARMS International reminds us of the opportunity to offer both physical and spiritual hope to a world in need.
“The partnering of those two things together has this really simple but profound impact,” he says.
If only physical help is offered, an opportunity is lost. It’s spiritual distinctives – the way we follow Christ, show love to our neighbors, and pray for our enemies – that uniquely position Christians to offer hope. But if only spiritual hope is offered, we risk missing the command of James 2:15-17 to respond to physical need.
FARMS International carries out this practical directive by providing zero interest loans to physically impoverished believers. Most recently, a local businessman equipped through the ministry of FARMS offered a training of his own, where attendees learned practical aspects of livestock management. Clifton says a Christian worldview underlaid the teaching.
“It’s all being spoken from a Biblical perspective. What does God have to say about business? What does God have to say about how we manage money? What does God say about how we treat animals and our livestock?” he says.
Through the practical training and assistance offered by FARMS, Clifton sees spiritual doors opened.
“As we grow spiritually, that impacts our physical reality,” he says. But it’s not a one-way street: physical reality plays a role too.
“Because if someone is helped in that area, it’s their livelihood. It’s their potential to earn income which impacts every area of their life,” Clifton says.
We see the marriage of physical and spiritual in the incarnation of Christ. Isaiah 9:6 begins, “For to us a child is born, to us a son is given.”

Photo courtesy of Kalisa Veer via Unsplash.
Through the birth of Christ, “you have that idea that a physical child was born,” Clifton says. But this wasn’t the Son’s beginning. “He already existed in a spiritual sense for all of eternity.”
This Christmas, as you celebrate the birth of Him who meets our every physical and spiritual need, please keep FARMS International in your prayers. Pray that believers equipped through loans would be able to grow their businesses and better provide for their families. Pray for the safety of believers in dangerous areas, and pray that Christian’s words and deeds would reshape their communities.
Featured photo courtesy of Owen Outdoors via Pexels.