International (MNN) — The Bundles
of Love program is one of holiday traditions of AMG
International. It often opens doors in several of the
project areas where Christmas may not be celebrated.
Volunteers distribute the Bundles
at a Christmas program and give a clear presentation of the Gospel. It quickly
becomes an outreach event for the whole village.
year, a group of students from North America traveled to Peru and distributed
backpacks to the children under AMG's care. The backpacks contained socks, underwear, and
other needed items. Just as exciting, they were able to share the Good News
with the children, their parents, and other members of the community.
also distributes Bundles of Love to national workers, church planters and
national staff. Each resident of the Valley of Love, a community of individuals
suffering with leprosy, also receives a Bundle of Love.
Every Bundle includes practical
things like blankets, shoes, clothing, perhaps a tool for the family, school
supplies, personal hygiene items, a toy and a Bible for those who might not yet
own one.
There's still time to get
involved. It costs $20 to provide a Bundle of Love for
someone who needs it. AMG hopes to distribute
30,000 Bundles of Love this coming holiday season to children, national workers
and leprosy sufferers. Click here for details.