Uganda (MNN) — International
Christian Concern reports members of the Ugandan rebel group, the Lord's
Resistance Army, killed 400 Christians celebrating Christmas in Congo.
One of the attacks killed 150
people in Farajde City. Another source
claims 75 deaths occurred during a separate attack in Duru. Other attacks near Sudan left more than 250
people dead. Thousands from that region sought refuge with churches.
There are scattered reports that
the LRA was abducting children to use as soldiers.
ICC sources say the LRA denies
responsibility for the attacks on December 25th and in the days following.
However, the violence was so
fierce that church leaders are asking the Congolese Government to take steps to
protect people from the attacks.
Pray for their safety and ask God
to provide for their needs. Pray that
believers will be able to act as the hands and feet of Christ during this