Burma (MNN) — For many children in Burma, having a childhood is not an option.
According to Partners Relief and Development, the reality for many children includes no health care, no education, and little chance of a brighter future. Children also suffer displacement due to ethnic conflicts. Sometimes children are even subjected to the horrors of life as a child soldier.
Partners works to provide relief, healthcare, education, and community development. They address immediate needs with a vision for long-term, holistic solutions.
They are advocates for the children of Burma, letting the rest of the world know their plight and how their needs might be addressed, all the while searching for a country-wide change.
Too often these people groups are looked over or oppressed in some way. Partners hopes that through their actions of love, these hurting people will be compelled to know Christ.
This Christmas, Partners is suggesting some interesting Christmas gifts you can purchase for children and their families in Burma.
These gifts not only express love to these children, but they also will help with community development and sustainability.
Is this something you’d like to be a part of? You can find out more information here.
Pray for these children to see the love of Christ through Partners’ care. Pray they would want to know more about Jesus and that God would draw them to Himself.