India (MNN) — This year, India Partners has added a new campaign to enhance their Christmas for Street Children project. It's called the SMILES Campaign.
The SMILES Campaign is a great way for children to make a difference in the lives of other children. With just a few sticker packets and a donation of five dollars to help with shipping costs, children like Chandra in India will have a small gift and a smile.
Last year, Chandra, an 8-year-old boy, came to Christ during India Partner's Christmas for Street Children project. A pastor leading the program found Chandra weeping after he had heard the story of Jesus' birth. The pastor found that the struggles Chandra's mother faced when she gave birth to Chandra quite closely resembled those in Jesus' story.
"No one told me this story of Jesus before," Chandra had said.
Because of Christmas for Street Children, Chandra accepted Christ and is now learning to read and write.
The SMILES campaign is a simple way to get kids involved in making a difference for the kingdom. It is simple yet a great act of charity. Children will be blessed knowing they have helped bring a smile to the face of another child this Christmas.