Israel (MNN) — Thousands of Palestinians streamed into more than 1,000 polling stations Wednesday in the first parliamentary election in a decade. It was the secular Fatah Party that brought the Palestinian Authority in being against the Islamic Hamas, which endorses suicide bombings and other attacks as a way of dealing with Israel.
E3 Partners Tom Doyle has work in the region. He has been concerned about Hamas winning the election because, “I would predict a war with Israel just because their charter is to destroy the nation of Israel. With the groups coming in; al Qaeda, all of them are kind of organizing right now in the Gaza Strip. Boy, I can’t imagine there would be anything else.”
Since the evacuations of Jewish Settlements, Doyle says terrorism is up 300 percent in the area.
While many nominal Christians have left the area, Doyle says many believers are still living in these regions and for one very good reason. “They don’t want to see this just go into a sea of terrorism. They want to see people saved. They want to see the churches filled. And, some of these new believers in these Palestinian churches are former terrorists.”
Doyle says Islam isn’t going away, however. Violence may increase and target Christians. “Because they see so many Muslims coming to faith in Christ and it scares them. We saw a Muslim on television. He said, ‘If we don’t get back to the fundamentals of Islam, maybe all of the Muslims will become Christians.”
In the meantime E3 Partners will helping pastors in the region. “In the next couple of months we’ll be meeting with 150 pastors that are evangelizing and planting churches in Muslim areas, and they’re seeing success.”
The need right now is for Bibles, EvangeCubes, training materials and other resources and you can help support them. “You can help sponsor a frontline leader in the Middle East that is out there daily risking his life for Christ. You know, it’s only $30 a month.”
Contact E3 Partners through their information listed below to learn how to help.