Christians respond as small earthquake triggers big fears in Syria

By August 14, 2024

Syria (MNN) — A small earthquake triggers big fears in Syria.

Samuel* of Redemptive Stories says, “There was a small-scale earthquake of 4.8 magnitude on the Richter scale near the city of Hama, which is [a] similar area that was affected by the large earthquake last February, which was a 7.8 [magnitude earthquake].”

Flashbacks sent families running into the streets at midnight on Monday. Last year’s earthquake caused widespread destruction in Türkiye and northern Syria, killing over 50,000 people.

There were no immediate reports of deaths or damages this week, but health workers treated at least 67 cases of shock. “I can only imagine the pain that they are now going through again, to have all those memories from the first one hit them again,” Samuel says.

“Particularly for children, that (earthquake) probably brought all those memories right back to the surface.”

Residents across Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon reported tremors lasting into Tuesday morning.

In Syria, “A lot of organizations quickly responded, reminding [Gospel workers] how to uniquely help people with the trauma from an earthquake because it’s different than other traumas that they’d already faced after 10-plus years of war,” Samuel says.

“Through that, then, [believers are] sharing the Gospel and sharing our source of hope through Jesus Christ.”

Pray Syrian believers will keep speaking the Gospel truth amid challenging circumstances.






Header image depicts the town of Jindires in Syria after the 2023 Turkey–Syria earthquakes. (Wikimedia Commons)

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