Sudan (MNN)–Sudan, Egypt, Libya have a Darfur summit Tuesday to wrangle peace solutions to Sudan’s civil war and humanitarian crisis.
Operation Blessing’s David Darg says their NGO (Non Government Organization) partner, Humedica, has three medical clinics in the region. “For the people in Darfur, right now, hope isn’t even an option, which is a terrible thing to say. Unless there is a radical shift, nothing is going to happen for these people that’s positive and nothing is going to change. Some form of security needs to be introduced to the region.”
The United Nations says renewed fighting continues to push the number of people in need of aid to survive in the Darfur region even higher.
In just six months, refugees have surged by hundreds of thousands to 4 million. Food and water security are scarce, as the fierce conflict drives the NGOs.
Just last week, the UN Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) reported looting of UN and non-governmental organization (NGO) vehicles and equipment. In North Darfur by soldiers and pro-Government Janjaweed militia.
While hope comes with the Gospel, the NGOs are facing severe restrictions over proseletyzing. Darg explains, “It is very difficult for us to let people know the hope of Jesus Christ out there, because, in doing so, we can endanger our work, and that would be more disastrous than sharing the Gospel in the first place.”
Darg says ministering under these conditions is draining and can be discouraging. The thousands of children who are the victims poised to lose their future can rend the heart of the stoutest aid worker.
The team needs prayer as they wade into these conditions daily. “Those guys are so dedicated, but they really need a lot of prayer to keep going out there. Then, people should pray for the Darfurians themselves, that there is a quick end to this crisis so they can return home and stop the suffering.”
Operation Blessing’s involvement in the region is paving the way for future projects at the Al Salaam refugee camp, such as providing relief packages for families and establishing a school.
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