Romania (MNN)–Food for the Hungry’s Community Development program (called ‘Dezvoltare Comunitara’ in Romanian) in Romania has been assisting youth camps during the summers for nearly a decade.
Each camp is designed to host between 20 and 30 children or youth. Many of the children are orphaned and never receive one-on-one positive attention except for the camps.
The chance for volunteers to build relationships with the children and share the love of Christ is priceless. FHI is sending a team to the camp July 30-August 9.
Pray that team members will make a difference in the lives of those they seek to serve. Also pray that people will sign up to serve as part of this vital outreach.
As for discipleship and other follow-up outreach, pray for a strengthening of the Evangelical Alliance (EA). Unity and cooperation is growing between denominations and para-church ministries.