Pakistan (MNN/WV) — More than 4,000 students in quake-devastated Pakistan were given warm, safe shelter in the name of Christ thanks to World Vision . The Christian organization began provide tent school with heating units to combat the harsh Himalayan winter.
The plan is to install nearly 100 tents with heating units in 39 villages in the North West Frontier Province. World Vision’s school winterization program is crucial for students living in villages in the province where 67-percent of the schools were fully or partially damaged by the October 2005 quake that killed thousands and left millions homeless in the region. According to the national Earthquake Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Agency, it’ll take seven years to rebuild the area’s school facilities.
According to reports, attendance always dropped in the winter because of the cold. Because of the heated facilities, they expect the attendance to remain stable because parents will send their children to study in comfortable conditions.
Funding is needed to help World Vision continue working in this predominately Muslim nation as they also provide school supplies and furniture as well as hiring and training teachers for the area’s schools.