USA (MNN) — The anniversary of 9/11, the war in Afghanistan and Iraq, and tensions with Iran all have the world's attention. All of these issues have a direct tie to radical elements of Islam. So Christians today are asking fellow believers to begin praying earnestly for Muslims, as Islam's holiest month Ramadan begins tomorrow.
Evangelist Sammy Tippit was known for reaching behind the Iron Curtain during the days of the Soviet Union, and now he's reaching behind the black veil of Islam. He's doing it in a unique way in Iran. "We have a television broadcast that is reaching literally millions of people, and we're hearing great response from that broadcast of people coming to Christ, and people growing in the Lord, and even small house churches are being formed."
With the start of Ramadan, Tippit is asking Christians to pray for Muslims in Iran and around the world. "It's kind of a time of seeking in a certain sense, when they're fasting and they're more geared toward spiritual things. And it's out of a sense for God–a thirst for God and a hunger for God. And during these times of Ramadan, many will have dreams about Jesus."
He describes one of many incredible conversions to Christian faith. "A husband began to dream about Jesus. He had several dreams about Jesus. Then, one night his son walked in and said, 'Dad, God told me to tell you that Jesus is God's Son.' The dad fell on his knees and gave his life to Christ."
Tippit says his Web site is also helpful in helping spread the Gospel. "If you know anyone from an Iranian background, encourage them to go to our Web site which is SammyTippit.org/fa. We have devotions, videos, audio and things that will minister to people from the Muslim world."
Many believe Iran and the U.S. will go to war before U.S. President George Bush leaves office. But Tippit is urging Christians to pray that doesn't happen. "My prayer is that there will be no need for war or for anyone to be harmed physically. My prayer is that there will be such an uprising in people's hearts that the government would not be able to stop it and that people would rise up and that there would be changes made. That may look impossible to some, but I know it's possible."