USA (MNN) — For some people, daily decisions have serious consequences that affect the lives of their entire family. What if your first thought every day was, “How do I feed my children?” Or, “How do I pay the electric bill to keep the heat on for my family this winter?” This time of year can be a desperate time for a mother who needs to decide between paying for heat this winter or buying medicine the will help her child get well.
Here’s Life Inner City , a ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, helps in scenarios like this with their warehouse outreach. Here’s Life’s Ted Gandy says the warehouses provide needed food, toiletries, and other physical needs that allow local churches to be more effective in their inner city ministry.
While donations from big businesses provide the food and other goods, funding from people like you is needed to pay for the warehouse space, shipping and distribution costs of the donated items.
Here’s Life supports the work of five warehouses in New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, Minneapolis, and Bakersfield. Your gift of $54 will help provide food for 60 meals for those who are struggling to make ends meet this winter. Your support allows Christians to use the donated items to share compassion in the name of Christ.
A church in central Brooklyn, New York partnered with a Here’s Life Inner City warehouse to help 2,000 children. They threw a party where food and other things were handed out, but people also came to Christ. You support can make an eternal difference in peoples lives.