Pakistan (MNN)–Relief teams are stepping up deliveries of supplies to quake victims even as heavy snows blanket Pakistan’s northern Kashmir region.
GAIN USA’s Tim Burns says they’re part of that response. They’re taking a team in four weeks, because things are not getting better, but in fact, the situation looks fairly bleak. “We’re taking in two 40-foot containers’ worth of food. We’re also purchasing more aid within the country, and we’re working, actually, with the Pakistani army as far as having a site and location for distribution for these items to the folks there.”
The earthquake killed an estimated 80,000 people and left more than three million homeless, mostly in Pakistan-controlled Kashmir. That means the cold is settling on people who have no shelter, and not nearly enough layers to stay warm.
While there are some winterized tents, the problem is the area is difficult to access, so the majority of survivors are not weathering the snow well. Add to that a chronic shortage of food stuffs and medicines, and the scenario is grim.
GAIN-USA is trying to address some of the needs. Plans for this trip include taking a medical team along, but they have a crying need for medical personnel for this trip.
Burns says they’re looking for both a male and female physician as well as a pharmacist to join their outreach team.
Aside from meeting the physical needs, though, Burns explains that ministry and sharing the hope of Christ is part of their purpose. “When we’re going into villages, we’re very positive–‘Why are we here? Why are we bringing the aid?’ Well, we bring the aid because we love Jesus Christ. And so it really unashamedly sets forth the reason why we’re there, without being offensive.”
Go to GAiN-USA’s website if you’d like further details.