USA (MNN/IMB) — Christians in the United States are increasingly looking for ways to expand their outreach. Many churches are traveling great distances to serve God short-term. Volunteers from First Baptist Church of Gray Gables in Callahan, Fla., are doing just that through a program called "Operation Gospel Outreach."
Operation GO is a program created by Southern Baptist International Mission Board missionaries David and Pam Wong. They're hoping to recruit churches to mobilize volunteers and short-term missionaries to distribute Christ's message door-to-door in Middle America and the Caribbean.
13 people from the church took the Gospel into the streets of Mexico City, Mexico — a city of 28 million people where fewer than 2 percent know Christ as Savior. They traveled there to help IMB missionaries and a local house-church pastor evangelize part of the sprawling metropolis. This trip was only the second international one for the 400-member church, but pastor Mark Tuso has high hopes for the future.
For more information on "Operation GO" needs and opportunities, visit www.macregion.org and click on "Volunteers."