Pakistan (MNN)–Space heaters and warm winter clothing are rare commodities amongst Pakistan’s earthquake survivors.
A bitter winter made World Vision’s recent supply drop containing both items even more important for those in the high altitudes of North West Frontier Province.
The agency is collaborating with UNICEF to get warm coats, accessories and shoes to the children of the region. They are particularly susceptible to health problems from the cold.
Forecasters predict heavy snow throughout this month, which is likely to increase the hourly threat of landslides and avalanches in higher altitude areas.
Of the two and a half million people who survived the quake but lost their homes, a fifth are now living elsewhere, and there are over 1. 7 million living in tents. Then there are the unofficially counted ‘tent villages’ which sprouted all over the region.
World Vision is continuing to distribute shelter materials and food supplies to families in their aid zones who remain at altitudes of 5,000 feet and above.
According to their website, as of six days ago, World Vision Pakistan had distributed 36,269 blankets, 12,695 tarpaulins, 6,604 winterisation kits, and thousands of other non-food items to a total of more than 64,000 people since November 28th, 2005.
While WVI teams work to provide basic physical needs, they are also able to share the ‘why’ of their faith. Pray that people would remain open to that hope.